• Question: What is the point in electric trains and cars ect. because most of that energy comes from fossil fuels which surely would mean that its still effecting the planet as much if not more?

    Asked by anon-190582 to Maia, Lyndsay, Liam, Dionne, Brendan on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Liam Taylor

      Liam Taylor answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      You’re absolutely right – if we keep on making electricity using gas, coal and oil, then this is bad for our environment. But, the future of energy generation is actually very positive. More solar panels and wind farms are being used to make electricity. We’re using less coal than ever before, and batteries are getting much better so we can store all this green energy.

      So, this is why it’s good to encourage people to switch from petrol (which is made from oil and releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases) to electricity – because we can generate this sustainably with zero emissions. And by the time everybody owns an electric car, coal will (hopefully) not be being used to make electricity.

      Hope this helps!

    • Photo: Dionne Turnbull

      Dionne Turnbull answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      Liam answered this so nicely I don’t need to add anything! I think the progress in energy generation that has happened in the past 10 years or so is really exciting – I love the thought that we will all be driving electric cars in the not too distant future. Change is happening 🙂

    • Photo: Brendan Marrinan

      Brendan Marrinan answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      Electricity can be generated by renewable resources, like wind (wind farms) and the sun (solar panels). If the electricity generated by these renewable resources is used to power cars and trains this means less green house gases are being produced by burning petrol and diesel to travel.
